The unmet needs in the erectile dysfunction market


ED impacts around 20% of
men globally across all age brackets1


Approximately half of all men over 40 experience ED2


Around 25% of new diagnoses are in men under 403

The rising affordability of PDE5is following the availability of generic versions has led to significant increases in volumes with the number of doses sold globally increasing by over 80% between 2018 and 20234. For the vast majority of markets, treatments for ED are only available on prescription which creates a significant opportunity for a new category OTC.

3.5 billion

doses of Rx ED treatments sold globally in 20234

Prior to Eroxon®, existing treatments for ED were available only on prescription in most countries around the world, creating barriers to access5. Embarrassment, denial, reticence, cost of a consultation and lack of awareness may prevent someone seeking the help of a doctor or healthcare practitioner. Men with ED whose sexual partners wish to be supportive and solutions-oriented are doubly hindered by these factors as up until the launch of Eroxon® only the sufferer could be prescribed the treatment. On-demand oral treatments such as sildenafil (brand name “Viagra®”) typically take between 30 minutes to one hour to work, requiring planning and patience, which stand in the way of intimacy and spontaneity, and put undue pressure on couples. Oral treatments can also have systemic side effects and cannot be taken in combination with several medications.


Approximately half of all men with ED do not discuss their condition with their doctor6

According to IPSOS research7
•    Users who are dissatisfied with their current medication cite reasons including ease or cost of access, slow onset of action, and side effects as the source of their dissatisfaction
•    OTC availability, longer lasting, affordability and faster acting are identified as the top unmet needs for ED

Market opportunity for Eroxon®

Eroxon® addresses many of the unmet needs for men with ED and their partners. Ipsos’s research7 showed that around three quarters of the sales would come from men with ED and their partners who are not currently on treatment, which means sales would be mainly incremental to existing sales of oral PDE5is which appears to have been reflected in the experience in market to date. According to Ipsos’ forecast, commissioned by Futura in 2022, the market opportunity for Eroxon® OTC in the USA, the largest consumer healthcare market in the world, is US$ 350+ million as estimated by Ipsos (at retail price). This is based on the assumption of a retail price of US$ 5 per tube (Pricing strategy is the responsibility of our commercial partner).

  1. EMA, Withdrawal assessment report for Viagra, 2008
  2. Feldman HA et al. J Urol 1994; 151: 54 – 61
  3. Pozzi, J of Sexual Medicine, Volume 20, 2022
  4. Manufacturer’s Selling Prices, IQVIA market data, 2023
  5. In the UK, Ireland, Norway, Poland, New Zealand, and Switzerland, sildenafil 50mg can be purchased without prescription but still requires the involvement of the pharmacist. Cialis 10mg has recently switched OTC in the UK and also requires involvement of the pharmacist
  6. Jannini et al – Health-related characteristics and unmet needs of men with erectile dysfunction: a survey in five European countries, J Sex Med, 2014 Jan.
  7. Ipsos research carried out on behalf of Futura in the USA, 2022